Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Trust is the way to go

Trust is the only miraculous phenomenon in this world that has the power to remove the fear. The more you trust the less afraid you are. Our society and the system in which we are brought up always teaches us not to trust anyone. Thats how we keep deviating from THE path of our life

Trust has nothing to do with a person or a thing. Let me explain this by taking an example of an guru and a disciple. The disciple has so much trust in the guru.That trust itself is enough to elevate the disciple. The guru need not be capable enough or the guru need not know everything. Just because of the trust the disciple has in guru will make him acheive greater wisdom.

We keep hearing from our so called "well wishers", our parents, teachers and our friends not to trust this person/that person/this phenomenon/that principle/this thought/ that religion etc etc. But those people are not really helping. This will further add to your fear of being thus increasing the conditioning of the mind. The more conditionally constrained you are, the more delayed is your response to whatever you encounter thus decreasing your response(ability). This is similar to a software program. The more conditional loops it has in its process, the more delayed the reponse is.

The entire world or universe or whatever there is, everything revolves around trust. Trust is the very core of everything that is happening around us. When you are trying to accomplish a difficult thing, the trust you have in the completion alone will give you enough strength and courage to finish it.

Have you ever thought, why our elders, all the religious gurus and our sage's teachings constantly emphasize on trusting oneself? We are all logical beings. We keep satisfying ourselves with logic. And the logic will not allow us to trust. So it is almost impossible to find someone you can trust. Lets say you have been waiting for a guru to surrender yourself. Only thing is you want a guru whom you can trust. This can never happen because the logical mind wont allow trust to happen. Meanwhile you will be wasting your life/losing your energy. So in order to save us from this, our sages have always asked to trust the self. The logical mind will not be a hindrance in dealing with the self. So it becomes easy. Because only trust can give the energy for a greater self. The trust itself is more important than what we trust.

Whenever you see a person dull, not able to accomplish anything in life, it means he/she is not able to trust. The only medicine that you can give them is trust. People should start cultivating the habit of trust. It is not confined to a person or thing or a situation or even god. You can trust anything. Trust is behind all the miracles in the world.

If you really observe god is so clever, he has hidden himself behind trust. No one has ever seen/ felt god. But if you trust in god, he's there. See how wonderful god is. God is trying to push for trust in every possible encounter. If you trust god can do, god will do. First of all if you trust that god is there, he's there. The more trust you have in god, the more powerful is the god you trust. So it is actually not the god that is powerful, but the trust we have in god is the most powerful.
In olden days, doctors used to give the medicine only if the patient trusts the doctor. That is because the power of trust will cure the disease rather than the actual medicine. If we observe, we always go to the doctor we trust. Why? Whenever you see any positive change happening, trust is behind it. Every now and then knowingly or unknowingly we take to trust to comfort ourselves. Sometimes we even keep telling ourselves or others that nothing will happen to us, god will keep us from big trouble etc etc. See we are bringing the trust into our lives only when we are in trouble or in deep stress to save us from the trouble. Just in time for the trouble. But if you see just bringing in, trust, for some few minutes could save us or comfort us from a big trouble, why not cultivate the habit of trust. Having trust all the time. Making trust the very core of our being. Imagine all the wonders we can do.

So start cultivating the trust.

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