Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Morals for the new age

The morals in the world have to be changed from time to time during the course of evolution. Every generation needs a new set of morals to maintain their course of life without much deviations. Earlier people/religions have created concepts of heaven and hell, virtue and sin. But the current generation don't even understand those or they think why they have to worry about something that will happen after they die. Why cant we have something for living? And regarding virtue and sin, the lines are blurring between them for a long time now. In a way people have slowly started living in the moment than what was previously perceived. 

In this age of advanced and more present thinking will there be any concept of moral that we can think of, to teach our kids, that will be imprinted in their brain and will help them in maintaining their course in life, not deviating much from the so called good. I realized we need a new set of morals. Then came to the rescue is "law of karma". I am a very strong believer of karma. Whatever you do, comes back to you. Either good or bad. 100%. There are absolutely no exceptions. If I imprint this concept in my kids brain, atleast they will be careful when dealing with other people. 

I kept thinking, this covers for the societal living,  but how can I create a moral that will prevent them from causing any self harm. Is there any such thing?. Unfortunately the tools we still have in our society are based on fear. May be thats why people are literally flocking to the places of worship. But its all about creating a moral without fear. whats the point of having fear in morals as well

This made me think about beautiful/meaningful relationships. Relationships are what keeps us going in life. How much ever we feel that sometimes we want to stay alone, but we all long for good and meaningful relationships. They are the ones that weaves the fabric of our friends, families and eventually societies keeping us safe and creating a feeling that our life is completely not ours and we are absolutely ok with that. So its rather not a moral thats required but beautiful, meaningful and long lasting relationships

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Piece of joy

I have been looking for the following words (given by a very learned person) for a long time. Finally found them. Didnt want to miss them again. So sharing here
You are not accidental. Existence needs you. Without you something will be missing in existence and nobody can replace it. That's what gives you dignity, that the whole existence will miss you. The stars and sun and moon, the trees and birds and earth - everything in the universe will feel a small place is vacant which cannot be filled by anybody except you. This gives you a tremendous joy, a fulfillment that you are related to existence, and existence cares for you. Once you are clean and clear, you can see tremendous love falling on you from all dimensions

Knowing how limited I am!

When I first got in touch with Chat GPT. I felt like God stood infront of me and said I cannot give you anything, but I can answer any quest...