Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Hold the stillness

I am not sure if the title makes sense. If something is still, why do you need to hold it. We need to hold it because we want to be still and not because it is not moving. 

In our life, we always tend to prefer things that dont change (basically still). We already do that. What kind of friends we have, friends who always behave the same way, means no change. What kind of people we want to talk to when we are in trouble, ones that we can count on, how we can count on, because they dont change that much. When do you think, we can settle down in a relationship, when we understood all the possible changes in the other person. Which means after that they dont have any changes as far as we are concerned. So in life, we tend to stick with things that are still (not changing or when we know all the possible changes, which kinda makes it not changing) 

This is our natural way of living. But we tend to deviate from this path by choosing change because we get bored. The line "change is the only constant thing in life" has become famous because we are forcing this upon us that we have to get used to the change when our natural way of living is stillness. 

So if we stick to our natural way, we can do great things. 

Add how to all your doubts

We keep having so many questions in our life like will I make it? will I be happy in life? will I be successful? etc etc. Those are not the right questions we need to ask ourselves. We just need to add how in front of all those questions. How will I make it? How will I be happy in life? How will I be successful? 

This will narrow down the list of choices for us that will get us going in life. 

Car - The new head of the family

In earlier days, there used to be a concept called "head of the family". The idea behind that is, apart from him/her being the only earning member, that person used to be the member with the most wisdom and who cares for the well being of the others. Gradually this concept faded away as every person has their own jobs, ideas, way of life and thinking. Earlier the idea was that the head of the family used to keep everyone together, inspire them to follow the same path, protect them from external influences and keep them safe. In this modern age, this is an extremely difficult task just for one person

Now imagine the car. In this age of varied thinking, independent thought processes, life styles and personal freedom, Car is able to bring all the members of the family together, trying to move them together in the same direction, protect them from outside noise, weather etc. (imagine playing light music in the car while there is a big thunderstorm outside), try to keep everybody safe. Who else can achieve all these in this time and age. So as time went by, Car emerged as the new head of the family

Tamasoma Jyotirgamaya

This is one of the very common and famous prayers in our scriptures which means "Lead me from darkness to light". I always have a ...