Friday, May 5, 2023

Discipline - Creating constants in a day

People associate discipline with time. Actually discipline has nothing to do with time. Discipline is all about three things. Effortlessness, Support and Perfection. If you do a task everyday in the exact same way, in course of time it will become effortless and you get so attached to the task that it will also become your support. This will eventually lead to perfection. 

We go through several things each day in our modern world and it will be a good idea to keep atleast few tasks in a day that will never change, that will act as a support in times of crunch. This is extremely hard, but it can also be a pillar of support once achieved. The so called people who are great at embracing changes definitely have few constants in a day. 

We are living in a world of instant food, instant result, instant gratification. So there is a sense of urgency created in our brain that will keep us away from discipline. Because this will take time and consistent effort. And we are not able to even handle simple pressures in life. We are waiting for a bus, bus takes few more minutes, we will check our phone 10 times. We are waiting in traffic, we will listen to the traffic news on radio or look at the alternate routes. We are watching a series and the first episode ends in a suspense, we cannot stop. We have to keep watching. The instant result culture created by the technology is preventing us from having  lasting friendships, lasting relationships etc. Keep atleast few tasks constant that we can do every single day that can eventually become our support

Tamasoma Jyotirgamaya

This is one of the very common and famous prayers in our scriptures which means "Lead me from darkness to light". I always have a ...