Tuesday, March 5, 2019

My daughter's definition of meditation

Let me remind (myself) that my daughter is 8 years old. One day we were having a casual conversation about various things and suddenly it led to talking about meditation. Then my daughter started explaining like this.

Daddy, we have so many feelings in our brain. We have patience, kindness, anger, love, fear etc. All these feelings are like different pieces in a puzzle. But we don't know what those pieces are. She continued, for example we don't know if we are kind or not or how kind we are. Only others have to tell us how kind we are. Similarly we don't know about our anger. Only others have to tell us whether we are angry or not or how angry we are. So she explained meditation is all about knowing all the pieces in your brain and putting them all together. It's like solving the puzzle.

At this point, I understood that it's all about knowing who you really are.

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