Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Bring your day back to life

We keep seeing people and asking them "how are you", "whats up" etc. and most of the times we are used to giving responses like, "fine", "going on" etc and some other mediocre answers. 

The life that we have every day is the microcosm of our entire life or Our entire life is the macrocosm of our every day life. If you observe your everyday life and see what you feel about it. Most probably thats exactly what you feel about your life

So the overall outlook of your life will change if you are really interested and excited about your daily life. This is the secret. So if you really want to improve your life, improve your everyday

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Tamasoma Jyotirgamaya

This is one of the very common and famous prayers in our scriptures which means "Lead me from darkness to light". I always have a ...